New CenSAMM videos based on the Critical Dictionary of Apocalpytic and Millenarian Movements (CDAMM) on "Armageddon" and "Gospel of Matthew"
Since the middle of April this year there has been a steady stream of news stories about what has been called a “starvation cult” following the discovery of a number of ...
The deadline for the call for papers for our 2023 annual conference, held in collaboration with the British Association for the
A selection of definitional articles from CDAMM have been translated into Polish.
Registration for the Apocalyptic Nostalgia? Cold War Imagery in Popular Culture conference at Imperial War Museum North UK is now open via Eventbrite...
Extended deadline for the Apocalyptic Nostalgia? Cold War Imagery in Popular Culture conference: 21 March 2023.
We are pleased to announce the call for papers for our 2023 annual conference, held in collaboration with the British Association for the
“Storm coming, you’d better hide.” So sings Ozzy Osbourne ... They were an apocalyptic band in an apocalyptic time.
The Brethren Archivists and Historians Network has published the call for papers for the 11th International Brethren History Conference
A series of BBC podcasts on the origins, history, and growth of QAnon.
Michael Miller discusses Black Hebrew Israelites, Black-Jewish relations, and contemporary antisemitism
CfP for Apocalyptic Nostalgia? Cold War Imagery in Popular Culture 13 Jul 2023. Deadline for submissions: Tuesday 28th February 2023.