The Centre for the Critical Study of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements is pleased to announce its 2022 conference, to be held online 7-8 July 2022
The theme of the conference is:
The Study of Apocalyptic and Millenarian Movements:
Critical and Interdisciplinary Approaches
The aim of the conference is to facilitate critical and interdisciplinary discussion of apocalypticism, millenarianism and associated movements across time, place, and culture. Academic fields include anthropology, archaeology, biblical studies, critical theory, cultural studies, history, literary studies, political studies, psychology, religious studies, sociology, etc. The interdisciplinary scope is broadly understood to include methodologies, comparative approaches, and showcasing of research more specific to individual fields of expertise.
Programme and abstracts available here.
Registration is now open through Zoom:
Please contact the Academic Directors, Prof. James Crossley and Dr Alastair Lockhart, at for more information.
There is no charge for participation.