See also Apocalypticism and related ideas in the Bible, early Judaism and early Christianity where some of the general videos on early Jewish and Christian apocalypticism discuss the historical Jesus.
Paula Fredriksen and James Crossley, "When Christians Were Jews", St Mary's University, Twickenham, London (published 12 April 2019): a discussion focused on Jesus and the Gospels (among others) based on Fredriken's book, When Christians Were Jews: The First Generation (Yale University Press, 2018), co-sponsored by CenSAMM and the Centre for the Social-Scientific Study of the Bible (CSSSB).
Bart Ehrman on the historical Jesus
Bart D. Ehrman, “Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet, Historical Lecture” (published 7 Aug. 2018)
Bart D. Ehrman, “Other Teachings of Jesus in Their Apocalyptic Context” (published on 6 March 2018)
Bart D. Ehrman, “The Deeds of Jesus in their Apocalyptic Context” (published 24 Sept. 2018)
Bart D. Ehrman, “The Life of Brian & The Apocalyptic Jesus”, from the Jesus and Brian conference, King’s College London 20-22 June 2014, (published 14 Oct. 2014)
The video is also discussed on Bart Ehrman's Foundation Blog:
Marcus J. Borg, “Jesus Today: The Legacy of Albert Schweitzer”. The 2nd 2000 Cole Lecture, Benton Chapel, Vanderbilt University Divinity School, October 13, 2000
Christopher Skinner, “Overcoming Satan, Overcoming the World: Exploring the Cosmologies of Mark and John”, Centre for the Social-Scientific Study of the Bible conference, Evil in Second Temple Judaism and Early Christianity, St Mary's University, Twickenham, London (published on 16 July 2014)
Robert Myles, "The Gospel of Matthew and Apocalypticism"
David L. Bartlett and Allen R. Hilton, “The Gospel of Mark: What Kinds of Kingdom”, Yale University (published 30 Sept. 2011)