Update on the forthcoming CenSAMM conference and contingency planning for Coronavirus (COVID-19).
We are currently reviewing the viability of the annual conference (29-30 June) in light of directives given by universities. Many academic colleagues from outside the UK have been told not to travel abroad and many academic colleagues in the UK have been told to work from home, while other colleagues are expecting similar instructions imminently. Some academic conferences due to take place in the near future (e.g., Political Studies Association’s conference in April) have now been cancelled. As the CenSAMM annual conference takes place at the end of June, we are reviewing the feasibility regularly and will update accordingly. If you would like to discuss refunds for fees paid to CenSAMM for the conference, please email conference@censamm.org
For the latest government guidance, please see: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/coronavirus-covid-19-information-for-the-public